The Raubsville index was generated from electrofishing once a week for adult American shad beginning the first week in April (04/08/2010) and terminating the first week of May (05/06/2010). A total of 110 shad, 27 females and 83 males, were collected, for an overall average catch rate of 22.0 shad/hour. Other than the second week of the survey, weekly catch rates were excellent ranging from 17.1 – 39.0 shad per hour. The poor catch rate (1.9 shad/hour) observed during the second week of the survey was most likely related to a temporary lull in passage of shad early in the season in that particular reach of river.
Biological data from shad captured at Raubsville showed that sizes and weights ranged from 415 - 563 mm total length or 16.3 - 22.2 inches (females: 17.1 – 22.2 inches; males: 16.3 – 21.6 inches) and weight ranged from 654 – 2,253 grams or 1.4 – 4.9 pounds (females: 2.4 – 4.9 pounds; males: 1.4 – 4.3 pounds). Scales and otoliths were also collected for estimation of age, but they have not yet been processed. Interestingly, the sex ratio was highly skewed towards males (3 males for every one female). The early termination of the Raubsville index may have caused the index to underestimate returning females, which tend to immigrate later than males.
Figure 1. Catch-per-unit-of-effort for American shad in the Raubsville electrofishing survey during the 2010 migration.
Figure 2. Catch-per-unit-of-effort for American shad in Raubsville electrofishing survey during the historical sampling overlaid with total shad passage at Easton Dam fishway. CPUE is unavailable for 1998 for the Raubsville survey. Monitoring of the 2010 shad passage through the Easton Dam fishway has not yet been completed.
A total of 812 shad, 431 females and 381 males, were collected in 15 nights (May 9 – June 1, 2010) for an overall catch rate of 3.6 shad/net or 0.93 shad/hour. The observed catch rate of shad in 2010 at Smithfield beach is suggestive of a strong returning migration of shad in this pool. Relative to past years, the 2010 shad run was the 4th highest peak in CPUE since 1997. Sizes ranged from 425 - 585 mm total length or 16.7 – 23.0 inches (females: 18.3 – 23.0 inches; males: 16.7 – 22.2 inches) and weight ranged from 695 – 2,244 grams or 1.5 – 4.9 pounds (females: 1.6 – 4.9 pounds; males: 1.5 – 3.1 pounds). Scales and otoliths were also collected for estimation of age, but they have not yet been processed. As with the Raubsville index, catches were initially predominately male, with nearly 100% of catch was males in the first three nights, but by May 16th the nightly catch was dominated by females ranging from 1 to 3 females captured for every one male.
Figure 3. Catch-per-unit-effort for American shad in Smithfield Beach egg take operation.
Possibilities could be a combination of gear avoidance, the presence of younger females from the 2007 year class as three year olds, natural mortality of larger females from the spawning population (i.e., the loss of the 2005 female year class as five-year-olds or they simply did not return to spawn this year), poor YOY survival from the June 2006 flood, slow growth of shad in offshore waters, etc. In contrast, the size of males collected at Smithfield Beach from the 2010 run, were more typical as observed in past years.
The apparent shift in the peak size frequency to a smaller size (450 mm TL) group in the 2009 catch was due to the strong contribution (75%) of the 2005 year class as four-year-olds. The influence of the abundant 2005 year class upon catch of males in the 2010 assessment catch appears evident again, considering the dominance of the 475 mm TL size group; however this will need to be confirmed with age determination.
Figure 4. Size distribution of shad collected at Smithfield Beach.